Capable of removing traffic films and breaking down, grit and grime, Avalanche Snow Foam encapsulates sharp particles safely trapping it in the foam, allowing these potentially damaging – and often stuck-on - contaminants to be rinsed away without inflicting swirl marks or other defects. This makes using snow foam an essential part of the pre-wash process, one of the most vital stages in detailing where the heaviest, gritty particulate grime is removed without making any contact with the vehicle. Avalanche also works its way into awkward panel gaps and shuts to effectively pre-clean the unseen areas, too.
Sharp particles and heavy contamination can easily cause abrasion and inflict defects when dragged around on paintwork or gloss plastics with your wash mitt. So, for the safest wash possible, these contaminants must be removed prior to your 2-bucket contact wash. This means that following an effective pre-wash routine is crucial both on regular maintenance washes, and to limit the amount of polishing and correction needed during more in-depth details.
Avalanche can be utilised as a first stage pre-wash product, or immediately after using a pre-cleaner like Citrus Power Bug & Grime Remover or Dynamite Traffic Film Remover on the heaviest soiling, in which case this product is safe to agitate into more awkward areas such as window rubbers, emblems and grilles with a soft Detailing Brush. Here the agitation isn’t to scrub away contaminants, it’s merely to ensure that the solution is worked into all areas, and that any spent product (snow foam already encapsulating particulates) is moved away allowing it to be replenished with fresh solution to work on any remaining contamination. Avalanche lingers to attack grime for the maximum possible dwell time and uses a specially-developed combination of cleaning agents and advanced surfactants to pull contamination off of surfaces on a molecular level. These surfactants are classed as ‘polar’ molecules that are both hydrophobic and hydrophilic. This means that they are attracted to water at one end and repel water (and more importantly attract grime particles) at the other. Using this mechanism, they are able to latch onto, lift and surround dirt particles, pulling them from surfaces and suspending them in the foam. Once safely extracted, this grime can then be quickly rinsed away. Learn more on the science of surfactants in our article - All Car Cleaning Products Explained.
Safe for use on all exterior surfaces, including paintwork, vinyl wraps, glass, plastics, rubber and glass, despite being tough on grime Avalanche will not strip or degrade protection layers, and this wax, sealant and coating-friendly attribute make our snow foam the ideal cleaning solution for use on every single detail. Take a look at our ultimate guide - How To Use Snow Foam to discover more on how snow foam is essential to ensure a swirl-free wash.
Product Summary